Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Ask me anything . shoot !
Posted by swittuff at 07:37 0 comments
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Posted by swittuff at 12:32 1 comments
Saturday, 6 August 2011
ice cream.
Posted by swittuff at 20:21 1 comments
ramadhan menjelma lagi.
Posted by swittuff at 20:09 0 comments
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Posted by swittuff at 12:03 0 comments
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Posted by swittuff at 13:33 0 comments
Monday, 11 July 2011
Posted by swittuff at 19:57 0 comments
jeng jeng jeng.
Posted by swittuff at 19:43 0 comments
Posted by swittuff at 19:30 0 comments
takut hantu.
Posted by swittuff at 19:21 1 comments
Labels: mine
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Posted by swittuff at 16:42 0 comments
Monday, 27 June 2011
emma. swittuff tu apa ? *sorry tetibe rasa nak tau.
swittuff. sweet tooth. :) ske mkn ggula.
Posted by swittuff at 23:15 3 comments
Thursday, 23 June 2011
ayie and lil baby monster
ive made ur tears falls. im so sorry ayie. im so fucking sorry. i miss u a lot bro. i miss u so much that it hurts. i miss u so much that every time something reminds me of u, my eyes flowed with tears. i miss u a lot. there are times that i wish that ur here. there are time that i wish that u were never gone. i wish that ur here, sitting next to me. eating all the rice and left the main part. u always say that ur saving the best for last. u would always be there listening to me babbling about stuff that doesnt really matter. aboout classes, about friends, about health. i talks a lot kn ayie. and u would just sit there and listen. listen to every words. laugh ur asses of with each and every jokes. even though it isnt funny at all. you would ask me where would we go next, and i dont have the answer. so we would just go around and around the block until we have someplace to go to. that one time that u refuses to talk to me, that is the hardest part. i need to talk to u and i want u to listen. when u did come to penang a few days back, i cried. i just miss u so much that i cant believe my eyes that ur there standing next to me. i wish u would never have to go. but u said that u got work to do. i didnt have the chance to tell u about my life here without u. i didnt have the chance to share my part of the stories. i didnt have the chance to crack jokes and listen to ur laughter. when i finally realize that ur really here, ur about to leave. leaving me here. god. i miss u ayie. when u finally drive away, i cried. i could only shake ur hands before u leave. i dont want to be around u too long, as i would definitely cry my eyes out. im sorry ayie. im really sorry for being such a baby. im sorry. please forgive me. :( from the bottom of my hearts. i miss u.
Posted by swittuff at 02:03 0 comments
Labels: penang
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
life may be unfair. but thank god as we can still breath. we can still see the sun rises early in the morning. we can still see the faces of the people that we love the most. we can still laugh with our friends. share hugs and kisses with families. we can still see the smiles on our friends faces. make jokes and laugh our asses off. be grateful. i need to learn to be grateful. even though there are times that i wish i was never born. but no one have the perfect life. literally. no one. no matter how messed up your life is, there are people who loved you. for who you really are. maybe you wont realize it now, but when those people are gone, the pain is unbearable. thank your friends. thank your family. thank you love ones. thank everyone. for loving you. thanks guys.for reading. :)
Posted by swittuff at 15:51 0 comments
Monday, 20 June 2011
im 20 years old. wow. time does fly fast. macam baru sekejap je. macam baru semalam aku kena marah sebab xbasoh kasut skolah. macam baru semalam aku kena puji dan dapat a dalam kelas muzik. macam baru semalam aku main kejar kejar atas meja lam kelas. macam baru semalam aku jumpa kawan kawan aku skang. lam 20 taun ni, aku banyak dah blajar sal selok belok lam idup ni. ada benda yang kita kna buat. ada benda yang kita jangan buat langsung. kalau boleh putar balik masa, ntah ap la yang jadi kat aku. kalau boleh putar balik masa, aku tak kan jumpa kawan kawan aku yang awesome ni. oleh sebab tu, aku rela hidup macam ni dr hilang kawan kawan. seriously, kawan kawan aku memang awesome. memang peneman hidup aku slama 20 taun ni. dyeorang la yang dengar segala apa yang aku nak luah. awesome kottttt. yes, i am very proud of my friends. kawan kawan aku dr seluruh pelusuk malaysia. dunia tu tak lagi la. tak cukup kabel. macam macam ragam yang aku nampak. macam macam kerenah. but they are my friends. and friends stick together until the end. like it or not, ur stuck with me. :)
20 taun. umor da berganda ganda. xsangka. sekejap gila kot. ishh. cam tak sangka plak aku dah tua. perangai mengalahkan kanak kanak ribena lam tadika. buruk kn. bila la aku nak mature ni. huh.
oh oh. ntw, thanks for the wish guys. jenuh gak ah nk reply. berpeluh cam lari marathon dah aku. thanks guys. u made my day, :)
Posted by swittuff at 12:48 0 comments
low self esteem.
some of my friends have this things with low self esteem. i have this problem too. but guys, we have different strength. different priorities in life. different problems. guys, i love u all because of who u are. please. im not making this up. i love u guys. seriously. i will always be here. always. :)
Posted by swittuff at 12:32 0 comments
ramai orang cakap aku sombong. aku sombong ke? sorry la kalau korang anggap aku sombong. aku tak sengaja. mintak maap ye. kalau aku tak bertego tu sorry la. tak kan la semua orang aku nak tego. letey la aku kan. lagi skali, sorry.
Posted by swittuff at 12:25 0 comments
Posted by swittuff at 11:43 1 comments
Labels: family
cinta lagi
what is love actually? who knows. people experience it differently. td sesi basuh membasuh dah start. yes, jodoh kita sapa yang tau. maybe anak makcik kantin masa kita sekolah rendah dulu adalah jodoh kita. maybe mamat yang kita jumpa kat tepi jalan tu jodoh kita. love is blind people. who knows. kn. :)
sometimes, my boy-friends asks, what does a girl wants in a boy. seriously, i don't really know. semua orang lain lain. ad orang yang suka laki macam james bond. ad yang suka laki ala ala shah rukh khan. kalau semua sama, susah la. memang terkontang kanting la laki yang tak memenuhi syarat tu kan. kesian beliau. memang susah kot. to me, aku nak laki yang just nice. he doesn't need to be handsome or good looking, i just want someone who is nice and kind. sugar and spice, cam lam cita power puff girls. i want someone spontaneous. full of surprises. cam lam cita cinta cinta tu. alaaaa. yang bajet romantik tu la. :) aku tak minat sangat la fancy stuff. aku just nak that guy to show effort. to show me that he loves me. sape la yang tak nak di manja weyyy. even laki kadang kadang nak gak kena belai. kadang kadang bole la. kalau slalu sangat, xpyah la. semak kot. some girls suka laki yang romantik. ad plak pompuan yang suka laki yang lawak. ad plak pompuan yang suka laki yang serious. everyone is different. and everyone have different interests. tuhan ciptakan kita dengan jodoh masing masing. dengan hala tuju masing masing. maybe ko tak dapat orang yang ko nak sekarang, maybe nanti. ko jumpa someone better. who knows. just dont ever give up. please. love is everywhere. u just need to find it. :)
Posted by swittuff at 11:25 0 comments
Labels: love 101
contoh :
ppppppppppppplease la nyahhh.
benda macam tu tak perlu nak tunjuk. orang tua skang ni makin maju. ramai yang dah ada facebook. even my parents ad. so, benda macam tu, kalau orang orang tua tengok, kan kena maki. percuma je dapat sepinggan bebelan dan caci maki masak cili padi. skati la guys, kalau nak kena, try la. :) good luck.
Posted by swittuff at 11:09 2 comments
lelaki susah nak cari awek yang bole nak accept kawan kawan lelaki tersebut. benda ni aku bincang dh. memang. ktorg xde keja. baik bincang pasal final ke, ap ke. kan kan kan. :)
ntah la. aku nampak banyak je pompuan yang bole buat camtu. tapi aku akui ada gak pompuan yang tak ley nak terima kawan kawan pakwe beliau. ad gak yang terlampau menjaga sampai tak ley nak renggang langsung. susah gak la camtu. rimas tau tak. give space la. kalau dye btol sayang ko, xkan lari la. xyah takut. have faith, will u? laki ni cam pompuan gak la. kawan tu amat penting. sangat sangat penting. macam isi dengan kuku, macam aur dengan tebing, dyeorg memang tak ley dipisahkan. guys really treasure their friendship. so girls. try to accept these guys. when u cant accept his friends, u should just go and find some other guys. because these guys, they stick like glue. :)
Posted by swittuff at 11:00 0 comments
Labels: man 101
Friday, 27 May 2011
my post seems dull and down. yes. i am depressed. i keep my feelings to myself most of the time. i just dont know how to express myself. so, i just write it down and that make me feel a whole lot better. much much better. plus, there are not much things in my blog to be read. but somehow, i am thankful that some of u do read it and even give comments on posts. i appreciate it so much. thanks for reading peeps. :)
Posted by swittuff at 19:50 2 comments
Friday, 20 May 2011
memang susah sangat sangat nak puaskan hati semua orang. lagi lagi orang yang korang xsuka. nak buat camna. hmm. susah bla kita nak kena buat benda yang betul tapi nak kena susahkan kawan. kita susah payah nak puaskan hati kawan kawan dan sahabat handai kita, tapi dyeorg plak buat xtau je kat kte. kte tolong je dyeorg ble dyeorg susah. tapi bila kita plak susah. dyeorg buat muka taik cirit je pandang kita. memang ramai yang buat camtu kn. masalah btol la. leteh bila semua yang kita buat, dyeorg buang cmtu je. buat baik salah, x buat baik salah. abes tu nak buat cmne? nate beruk sungguh mereka itu. letih kan bila kawan tikam belakang. cube la tikam depan depan. dapat gak la kite tangkis. ni tikam belakang, mana la nak nampak. ish. susah.
Posted by swittuff at 11:35 2 comments
there are times that i wish i could undo. times that i wish i could erase. there are time that i wish that it was just a dream. everyone makes mistakes. everyone regrets. but somehow we make the same mistake all over again. wtf kan. sakit tu kena terima banyak banyak kali. kalau boleh pusing balik masa, memang dah pusing dah. tapi memang tak kan dapat. bila pikir pikir balik, memang dah buat banyak salah. lagi lagi kat family. dah bertimbun timbun. samapai mati pon tak kan habis. memang la slalu minta maaf. tapi boleh ke orang tu nak maafkan? mana la kita nak tau. kalau dia tak maafkan? kan sampai mati kita kena tanggung dosa. manusia. memang ada sifat tak puas hati. memang ada sifat berdendam. lagi lagi kalau pompuan. cepat jeles. dengan apa apa pun nak jeles. jiran sebelah beli sofa baru, dye pon nak beli sofa baru gak. bukan ada orang nak dudok pon kn. buang duit je. buat semak rumah. ish. jiran sebelah beli rantai emas, dye pon nak gak. ishh. pakai banyak banyak, last last kena ragut. sape susah? haaa. sendiri naya. tapi manusia tetap manusia. memang macam tu.
kalau ada time machine kan best. :) tapi bukan melanggar hukum alam ke?
Posted by swittuff at 11:33 2 comments
Sunday, 15 May 2011
i am not the prettiest girl in the world. i am not the sweetest of them all either. i am not the richest or the wisest.
i am not the fairest or the nicest. i am not the skinniest and also not the healthiest. i am just me.
somehow, i just wish that i would disappear. just like the wind. and no one could remember me. no one who could remember my mistakes. no one who would know me.
Posted by swittuff at 00:04 0 comments
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
people talk.
easy for you to say everything is going to be ok , when the shit is not on you .
Posted by swittuff at 05:33 0 comments
Ask me anything . shoot !
Posted by swittuff at 04:26 0 comments
Monday, 2 May 2011
balik rumah
bilik aku bsepah gila macam tongkang pecah. gila la. dah xley nak tengok lantai dah. ish ish ish. rasa malas gila nak kemaskan bilik. saat saat ni la paling bes kalau ad orang gaji. ish. xbaik kn kn kn. tp leteyyyy. hahaha. oh ya. nak cat bilik. tu pon kalau rajin la. hmm. nak cat warna merah. dan hitam. waahhh. bes bes bes. kn kn kn.
beza tinggal kat sarawak dan tinggal kat penang macam langit dan bumi.
bilik kat penang kongsi dengan kawan kawan. bilik kat sarawak aku sorang yang punya. bes gak ah kongsi bilik beramai ramai. macam muda muda remaja dok hostel. dapat sembang sembang, dapat gelak gelak. dapat tengok movie ramai ramai. walaupon kenkadang gelak tu terlebih. jerit tu ap lg. ishh.burok pngai. bunyi da lain macam. ish ish ish. kalau ramai ramai. xla takut sangat waktu malam. gelap gelita je rumah least kte tau ad org kat sebelah. kalau orang la. ishhhh. tamo tamo.
bab makan plak. xyah cta la. makan 24 jam. kalau kat malaysia ad sumo. da bole menang ni. makan kat rumah memang heaven. makan la sepuas hati. kalau habis, masak ag. bahan bahan dah sedia. duit xyah nak klua. xyah nak makan maggi sgt la kan. sehat skit. hahahahah! sehat la sangat. makan tdo makan tdo. ish. kalau kat rumah sewa memang susah. kalau xde duit dalam wallet, xyah klua la. dok rumah je. kalau kua g 7e tu, bkn nye ad atm. kna la gerak g atm yg terdekat, kat ptronas. wahhh. jaoh gila. tension nyah.
bab kenderaan plak. kalau kat rumah sewa, nk kena sewa kereta sewa. kalau kat rumah sendiri, nk naik keretaaaa... ap murid murid? kereta mak ayah. betulllll.. hahahahaha. minyak xyah isi.mintak duit mak ayah. duit belanja mintak kat mak ayah. kadang kadang kna saving gak. xde duit kn. kalau kat rumah sewa, kalau kereta sewa xde, dok la kat rumah tu. haaa. tgu janggut tumboh panjang sejengkal. memang bosan gila. ish ish ish.
walau ap ap pon, cane beza nya rumah sendiri ngn rumah sewa, aku rindu rumah sewa lebeyh. rumah sewa tempat kawan duduk dan lepak. gelak kuat kuat. gurau senda. manja manja. bermadu kasih asmara. ish. melalut. but still,i miss all that. hanging out with friends. i miss my house mates.
Posted by swittuff at 20:49 2 comments
Labels: penang
perlu ke kereta? macam x je. naik bas pon bole. tipu la kalau aku cakap aku xnak kereta. tapi, klau pk pk balik. bnyak lagi yang kna pk wlaupun da dapat kereta. minyak, condition. nk maintain. hmm. ssh kn.aku pon pening. haiyoookkk.. memang nak. tp membebankan kn? ntah la. ssh nak ckp. ad baik dan ada buruknya. bia la. ad rezeki, ada la tu.
Posted by swittuff at 20:27 0 comments
please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please.
Posted by swittuff at 12:05 0 comments
home sweet home.
i still cant understand. where is home actually. is it the place where we were born, the place that we grow up, the place where we spend a lot of time there or the place where we feel most comfortable?
Posted by swittuff at 05:37 1 comments
Friday, 22 April 2011
there are a huge number of things that I adore and wish to have. maybe i can't have it but i still can wish. right?
1. A black two door E30 1JZ with M3 wide bodykit.
2. A flat black perdana evo 3 with alpha bodykit.
3. A red kancil L5 with mini cooper body kit full with audio system
4.A red blackberry playbook
5.A black Dell alienware.
6.Ipad 1 and ipad 2.
7.Iphone 4 with invisible casing
8. ahuge house near the beach with a huge swimmingpool.
9.A warehouse that can place all the cars
10.A xbox 360
11.A shop of my own with full black and red stuff.
12.Unlimited chocolate supply for a life time.
13.Designer clothes.
14.Designer shoes and heels.
15.Designer bags.
18.52 inch tv
19.A huge garden where i can plant my trees.
20.A full set of swatch!
But the most important thing is.
Life would be great if I have all those things.but my life would never be complete without u by my side. ur the one that I needed the most and none of those things above can replace u. i would rather die, than live in this world without u,my friends and my dearest family. ur my life and love u pa. :)
Posted by swittuff at 14:07 1 comments
Labels: wishes
Thursday, 21 April 2011
need a husband.
Posted by swittuff at 11:48 2 comments
aku bosan
babi bilas biji biri biri buasir. berak bisa because bisul berry berry big. borong bas besi banyak bising bawa basikal. bengang bila beruang bawa buluh besar besar biar berselerak bersama buah banana. bila bagi bikar berisi biskut biri biri babi beruang berkejaran berebut bikar bersama. bila bikar burst. binatang bergelimpangan breakdance berkumpulan. begitulah berita berani barisan binatang baru.
Posted by swittuff at 11:47 1 comments
love is simple
Don't chase the one you want. Love the one you're with. Make space for loyalty. ♥
Posted by swittuff at 11:38 0 comments
i feel like going out and have fun. im tired of being at home. im tired of being trapped. i wanna go to mcd and hang out with friends. and laugh all night long. i wanna stay all night. and talk about nothing. i wanna look at the stars. and pretend to touch the moon. i wanna be outside. where i can run round and around in the parking spot. im tired of being stuck inside.
Posted by swittuff at 11:26 0 comments
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
my life is so fucking perfect
Posted by swittuff at 06:18 1 comments
Saturday, 16 April 2011
FACT: do u know humans cant even shut their fucking mouth up?
there are alot to say. but their locked inside my head. preventing me from expressing myself. from telling u people about what im feeling. im not the kind of girl who would walk up to people and start talking about problems. i prefer to keep it inside. i prefer to suffer alone. yes. there are people who would never see me snap. like a dried twig that u step on. no one really know how am i when im really angry. i prefer to keep it bottled inside me. rather than letting it all out. yes. maybe one day, i might burst into flames. turn into a super saiya and fly high up in the sky and destroy all the planets except pluto. :)
people talk and talk and talk. but they never think. worlds can really hurt. and the scars remain forever. stop talking and start caring. please.
Posted by swittuff at 18:09 0 comments
love is blind
yes. memang cinta itu buta. cinta itu hanya tipu daya hati dan perasaan. yes. maybe ramai orang ramai kisah cinta nya. tapi siapa tau? maybe si dia tu orang yang korang cari slama ni. aku tak nafikan memang penat nak cari cinta. lagi lagi kalau dah banyak kali putus cinta. hmm. tapi nak buat cane kn. we never know.
memang tak nafi. cinta buat kita buta. kalau ikut pengalaman. memang dh hancur luruh dah hati aku skang. because of love, everything seems perfect. everything seems normal. dari pandangan mata orang lain? susah kan. kalau aku dengar cakap housemate aku dlu, tak kan aku jadi macam ni. shit! memang sangat sangat menyesal. tapi. nk buat cane. dh nasib badan. lepas tu aku sedar. memang penting dengar pendapat orang. sebab. jeng jeng jeng. kalau aku xdengar pendapat orang, aku tak kan tau orang dok guna aku untuk shopping. hahahahahahaha! bodoh gila. rasa nak sepak je. sumpah mnyampah kalau pikir pikir balik.
let bygone be bygone. bia la. malas aku nak peduli pasal beliau dah. lantak la. berbalik kepada cerita asal. yesssssss... cinta itu buta. love is blind. kattelei dey palette. haha! tu bahasa mana ntah aku blaja. aku pon tibai je la. im happy now. im happy with my life. my family. my super special someone. my crazy yet loyal friends.
i love u guys so fucking much! :)
aku xtau aku mrepek ap.
Posted by swittuff at 17:51 0 comments
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Is it me u looking for?
Hmmm. Truth to be told, I'm not the kind of girl that u should ever wish on marrying. I'm ignorant and childish. I'm coldhearted to the bone. I'm not someone that u should ever listen to. Because everything i've said is not true. I'm not protecting. I'm not kind. I'm not the person who u would ever want to have waking up next to u. I'm silly and I'm crazy. I laugh too much and I cry all the same. I hate cold morning bath and I hate washing the dishes. I hate doing the laundry. I hate getting up in the morning. I hate ironing. I'm a stubborn little bitch. Believe me. I suck at being nice and I suck at being a good girlfriend. I'm intolerable. I'm good at being a bitch. I would never be a good wife. I'm suck at handling little babies. I'm not a good mother and I'm not a good wife. I suck at these and u bastards should keep away from me. I'm a disaster. A nuclear reaction waiting to explode. Stay away k boys. Bye.
Posted by swittuff at 12:20 1 comments
Kdg kdg ttnya plak. Knp aku sakit sakit. Leteh slalu kna hadap rasa sakit tiap masa. Tiap tiap Kali bangun pagi rasa macam ad benda yang cucuk dada. Rasa pedih sangat. Kna tahan rasa sakit tu.everyday,bnda yang sama. Bila nak sembuh? Maybe orang xkn sangka aku tha sakit. Orang akan ingat aku ni happy sentiasa. Sentiasa senyum. Sentiasa nk gelak. Bukan maksud aku nak tipu. Aku malas nak bebankan orang lain. As long as they're happy, I'm happy. Bukan tempat aku nak mempertikaikan kehendak Allah. Maybe ad hikmah. Maybe xde. Sape tau. Semuanya ada dalam tangan yang ESA. Siapa aku nak bising bising n cakap semua ni x adil? Ad lagi orang yang keadaannya lagi teruk dr aku. Siapa tau kn. Bagi mereka,rasa sakit aku ni hanya secebis je dari seksa yang dyeorg trima. Alhamdullillah. Aku masih brnyawa. Aku masih ada dalam dunia ni. Aku masih mampu bernafas. Alhamdullillah.
Posted by swittuff at 11:54 0 comments
A friend of mine have just past away yesterday. And one of them is in a coma. I want to go home please. I want to see them. I just want to go home. Please. Mommy, I wanna go home please. I'm begging u.
Posted by swittuff at 01:54 0 comments
Hmm..nk buat braces.but braces is really really expensive.kna kerja dulu before bole buat.tapi masih lawa.haha!
Banyak yang ad dalam my wishlist.there are things,I just wish I can have but there are also things that I wish I could throw away,as far as I could.
Have u ever seen an E30 with 2 doors? That's my dream car. Maybe most of the people out there would think that I'm a girl with no taste for liking that piece of junk. But still, gthmthfcr. :D
My mum ask me to go to the stewardess audition that day. Idkw. I'm not good enough. I'm not tall enough. I'm not pretty enough. I'm not smart enough. It would be fun being a stewardess. But still, I'm not good enough.
What is tassle?I want to know. :D
Actually now I'm bored.and I got nothing else to do. I'm sitting here, with jaja. Under the comforter. Hugging the pillow as hard as I can. I wish I can just dissapear.
Posted by swittuff at 01:43 1 comments
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
saya dengan ini mengishtiharkan bahawa, saya sudah pokai.
terima kasih.
Posted by swittuff at 07:29 1 comments
tonight seems dull. and i wish that there are ways to make it shine. i miss my brother. i miss my room. i miss my sister and my mum. and i miss my dad most of all. sometimes, i just wish that ur here with me.
ayah, i miss the way that u always makes me laugh long time ago. now, i cant see u that much now. i miss u.
Posted by swittuff at 07:28 0 comments
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
kawan kawan saya lagi
banyak kan post aku pasal kawan kawan aku. hihi. ntah la. dyeorg sgt bermakna kot. aku just nak share btapa hebatnya dyeorg dalam hati aku. dyeorg ni datang dari pelbagai tempat, pelbagai keturunan, pelbagai bangsa, pelbagai peringkat umur dan pelbagai pelbagai la. macam macam adaaa. yang penting, aku sayang dyeorg.
1. dyeorg xkan susahkan sape sape pon dgn sngaja. kalau bole, dyeorg xnk gtau pon msalah dyeorg. dyeorg akan simpan.dyeorg akan try sdaya upaya dyeorg, so that, ktorg yang lain xkan rasa terbeban. dyeorg xkan cte pon ap msalah dyeorg. dyeorg xkan buat korg risau pk pasal msalah dyeorg.
2. dyeorg akan tolong dgn sgala kudrat yang ada kalau ada sape sape dalam masaalah. sumpah xtipu. deorg akan try dyeorg pnya the best utk tolong orang. slagi dyeorg ada ikhtiar, slagi tu la dyeorg akan try nk tolong korg. sampai memang xde jalan lain.
3. dyeorg akan happykan sape sape yang down. dyeorg akan buat lawak, dyeorg akan bg korg gelak. dyeorg akan naikkan mood korg sampai korg lupa masalah korg. dyeorg akan buat ko happy balik. walaupon hanya buat masa tu. tapi dyeorg xkan sanggup tengok korang sedih sorg sorg.
4. dyeorg friendly. dyeorg xkan bagi ko rasa kekok. dyeorg akan layan ko macam dh lama kenal. best! kawan kawan aku yang aku ajak lepak skali pon cakap dyeorg best. dyeorg akan buat korang rasa slesa. akan buat korg lebey relax. so, smua bole have fun.
5. dyeorg akan share. memang ada masa, ktorg akan sengkek. kalau sorg tu ad duit lebey, dyeorg akan share. kalau xpon, dyeorg akan share makan skali.xkesah la nasik bujang ke ap ke. yang penting, niat tu penting. tp nasik bujang pon sdap ap. ish.
6. dyeorg akan saling igt mngingatkan. kalau sape sape yang ada kelas pagi, dyeorg akan consider plan. klas kelas pagi, dyeorg akan bagi jalan utk balik awal. saling remind each other pasal kelas,assgment, ksihatan dan sgala gala yang penting.
ada banyak lagi. tapi yang aku tau. aku sayang dyeorg. aku anggap dyeorg cam family aku dah. kalau ada sape sape yang cari pasal dgn family aku, ko tgu la. sumpah aku cakap. aku sangat sangat pentingkan dyeorg. sape sape yang nk try buat palat, dpersilakan. dyeorg jaga aku baik baik slama ni. jadi sape sape yang try nak sakitkan dyeorg, ko tgu la. aku xcakap aku nak buat apa. tapi just tunggu. :D
Posted by swittuff at 14:55 2 comments
mak, saya nak ada abang. bole x?
hehehe. kalau bole, memang aku nak ada abang. mesti best kan kan kan. aku dengan perangai x serupa pompuan nih. ishh. memang xngam la dgn kakak aku yang memang macam pompuan melayu terakhir. pijak semut pon xmati. caya la beb. kebal kot semut semut zaman skang. hmm. nak dijadikan cerita. aku ni dok mengidam la nk dapat abang. aku nak ada abang weyyy. dye mesti la yang best n yang hensem cam aku. hehe. mesti best kn kn kn. dapat lepak sama, dapat dok lepak kua sama. mesti dye akan salu mntak tolong aku mintak num awek awek yang cun cun. waaaa. besss. dapat la komisyen sket. hehehe.
tapi kalau aku ada abang, maybe aku xjadi cmni. mesti aku g lepak ngan abang aku memanjang je tym skola dulu dulu n xblaja btol btol. n maybe xla aku dapat sampai penang ni haaa. hehe. ada hikmah kot mak aku plan cmtu. sape tau kn kn kn. bsyukur la emma. ko nh.
tp kn kat penang, aku dapat banyak abang abang angkat. ad 'abang abang' yang konon nya nak jaga adik dyeorg yg sekor nih. aku ah tu. abang abang cmtu pon xle nak pakai sangat. lain cte nye. ish3. manusia manusia. macam macam je prangai. rambut memang dh xsama kaler, hati ag la lain lain. tuhan je la yang tau.
tapi kn kn kn kn. ada satu abang nih aku sangat sangat berkenan. nak melamar dan jadikan beliau sebagai abang aku. abang yang aku dah anggap cam darah daging aku. dye bnyak bg aku nasihat. bnyak cte kat aku kisah kisah dye zaman zaman dinasor dlu. dye memang slalu bcerita. sanagt sangat peramah. xpnah ag aku rasa kekok kua dgn dye. dalam banyak banyak lawak yang dia buat, gerenti pnya la ada nasihat. tp memang logik la. dye bnyak ag makan garam dr aku yang baru setahun jagung ni. ntah la. aku pon xtau cmna jadi cmtu. yang kompem nye, aku sayang beliau. sangat sangat! klau dye jd abang aku, jadi aku bole dpt sorg kakak ipar. haaa. best kn kn kn. 2 in 1. awek dye sangat sangat baik. bes! aku ske! abang aku ni plak, kalau bole, g mana mana pon dye nak heret awek dye. ye la. sayang kn. dyeorang sangat sweet. cm air gula. takot kencing manes plak. ishhh. xmo xmo.
td dye panggil aku adik pon bole buat aku tharu dan mnitiskan air mata jantan aku nih. hahaha! tharu sial. hancur ke-macho-an aku. tapi xpe. aku buat buat cool. tp dye xtau plak yang aku da nangis. hihi! apa apa pon, abangku, aku sayang kau! ad ap ap prob, gtau la aku. kalau aku bole tolong, slagi kudrat aku ada nak tolong, aku akan tolong. ishhh. susah plak. ko roger je la aku ek abang. :D
p/s: abang, aku tetap ensem ag dr kauuuu. jangan jeles ek nyah.
Posted by swittuff at 14:29 1 comments
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Posted by swittuff at 12:15 0 comments
Posted by swittuff at 12:06 1 comments
Posted by swittuff at 11:21 0 comments
masa itu emas.

Posted by swittuff at 11:01 0 comments
so called friends.

Posted by swittuff at 10:50 0 comments
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Posted by swittuff at 12:34 2 comments
Monday, 21 February 2011
found him.
Posted by swittuff at 12:45 2 comments
Posted by swittuff at 12:38 0 comments
Posted by swittuff at 12:38 0 comments
Monday, 17 January 2011
100 truths
erase my answers and enter your own)
Posted by swittuff at 12:32 1 comments